Tuesday, October 30, 2007

You Tube (Thing #8)

I searched YouTube for "library science," looking for these 1950s-era library recruitment videos I'd once seen, and ran across this hysterically dated video series, produced by Mississippi public television in the eighties. Boy, is a lot of library practice/technology obsolete. And it's not even 2132 yet!

Monday, October 29, 2007


I've added a new feature here: Blogs to Watch. In addition to checking my horoscope every day (I might need to curb my temper a touch today!), I now intend to look at In the New, the blog of one Jen Mac, who is trying something new every single day this year. In the spirit of our shared trying-new-things, learning-through-play project, I thought I'd let you all know about it, too.

Learning 2.0 Synergy

This picture was referenced in something I was reading--Lansing Public Library got 339 people to vote for which teens represented various emoticons the best. I was idly considering if/how we could adapt the idea for the SPPL MySpace page. But get this--the screenshot was posted on flickr (http://www.flickr.com/photos/hblowers/416017750/) by Helene Blowers, who originally developed the 23 things program upon which our very own 23 things are based!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Thing #7

Inspired by the pretty cover art on the ever-educational blog, Learning 2.0 w/Debbie, I finally put my home library on Library Thing. I can't believe I didn't do it before. What I love about Library Thing:

1) Seeing my mish-mash of books--my mom's 1961 copy of Ulysses (and accompanying vintage Cliff's Notes), the copy of What Katy Did I got for my eight birthday, the copy of The Woman Warrior that was the common reading my freshman year at college, stupid Anna Karenina that took me nine months to read--all at once.

2) The surprisingly good recommendations based on books I own.

3) Spying on the libraries of people who own the same books you do.

4) Seeing alternate covers for books.

I'm sure as I continue to waste time on this site, I will find more to recommend it. Hurray for web 2.0!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Week Three

Well, this was fun.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Lifelong Learning

It isn't that long ago that I completed the most recent phase of my formal education, so I'm still adjusting to the idea of learning for/as fun. The lifelong learning skill that comes the most easily to me now is to have confidence in myself as a competent learner. The hardest is to view problems as challenges. They mostly still stay problems in my mind--I generally believe I can solve them, but they almost never present themselve as opportunities to learn and grow.